1. It was fun to watch paper flutter to the ground.It did NOT always convince her to get up and feed me, so now I don't bother. Besides, those papers are piled too high to walk on now. If I tried, I'd slide off the desk and have to scramble to land on my feet.
2. It always got Bonnie's attention, no matter how busy she was.
2-1/2. It always got Bonnie's attention, even when she was asleep on one of those beds.
I'd rather take a nap.
Kiki Cat, signing off
Footnote from Bonnie: Some of you may remember that my cat used to help me blog and review books. This is from Kiki's notes that I found under the green chair after she died. It may have been among her earliest musings, since that "desk between the beds" thing happened back in 2001 shortly after my friend Carol thought I needed a cat and 13-month-old Kiki came home with me.
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