Today I am sharing quotes from two poems I want to remember from Maya Angelou's 1991 book of poetry I Shall Not Be Moved, that I wrote about earlier today, HERE.
"Human Family" (pp. 4-5):
. . .
called Jane and Mary Jane,but I've not seen any twowho really were the same.Mirror twins are differentalthough their features jibe,and lovers think quite different thoughtswhile lying side by side.. . .I note the obvious differencesbetween each sort and type,but we are more alike, my friends,than we are are unalike. . . .
"Preacher Don't Send Me" (pp. 38-39):
when I dieto some big ghettoin the sky . . .I'd call a placepure paradisewhere families are loyaland strangers are nice,where the music is jazzand the season is fall.Promise me thator nothing at all.
You know I notice coincidences, right? When Alyssa asked the question that started my search, she noticed today is April 4th. Look up there again. When was Maya Angelou born? April 4th! We were discussing her on her 96th birthday. She died on May 28, 2014, mere days before I moved to St. Louis.
Maya Angelou is an amazing author and how fun that you've discovered she is from St. Louis.