wordplay / (ˈwɜːdˌpleɪ / noun = verbal wit based on the ambiguities of words and their meanings, punning, puns, clever repartee, a humorous play on words, double entendre. Example: "I love playing with words!"
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I have played with words my whole life. I've told the story before about spending most one summer with my aunt's family. She had married a man named Witt, so on a phone call home to my folks, little 10-year-old me — knowing exactly what the words meant — announced: "I'm now a half-Witt." And I laughed like crazy. Wasn't I "witty"?
Word of the Day
wit·ty /ˈwidē / adjective = showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor. Example: "That was a witty remark." Similar: humorous, amusing, droll, funny, comic, comical, sparkling, scintillating, lively, entertaining, clever, jocular
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