Books read by year

Monday, February 27, 2023

Musing with the Thinker on a Monday

I used to have a small version of The Thinker, who seems to be perpetually musing on something.  It's probably still in a box, since I last remember it in our Book Buddies bookstore a couple of decades ago.  I've been musing about some $2 bills I have, ones that look similar to these:

I have at least one with green markings and one with red markings.  These are examples I found online, not mine.  Now, a news item screams:  "Check Your $2 Bills — They Could Be Worth Upwards of $4,500."  Yeah, right, and they could be worth $2 each.

I wrote about a $2 bill in 2020 (HERE) if you'd like to read a humorous story.  I posted that same story in 2013 (HERE).  It seems the story is worth telling more than once.

1 comment:

  1. I think I also have a $2 bill somewhere. I should just spend it, but I wonder if young clerks would believe it's real?


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