Books read by year

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ambassador ~ word of the day

Word of the Day #1

am·bass·a·dor. (noun) = (1) an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.  Example:  "He was the French ambassador to Portugal."  (2) a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity.  Example:  "He is a good ambassador for the industry."

This photo shows Donna and me (back left, near the books) in a cooking class in the Crown Center's culinary kitchen, with our library behind us.  When I moved here in 2014, Marilyn was appointed my Crown Center ambassador.  That means she showed me around the place, helping me get to know the layout and how to sign up for activities, like this 2017 class when Marilyn was sitting directly in front of me, wearing that white jacket.  Being an ambassador is a volunteer activities we can take on, and I enjoy doing it now.

Because of the pandemic, we are not officially being assigned the job lately, but I have appointed myself ambassador when I want to get to know a new resident.  Most recently, that would be Fay.  I met her about a week ago and learned she'd moved in only two weeks earlier.  So I started to acquaint her with what goes on around here.  I've done things like get her a resident list from the office, so she can see who lives on her floor and which building that person she met at lunch lives on.  It turns out Fay is also from Tennessee, like me.  Serendipity, huh?

Word of the Day #2

ser·en·dip·i·ty (noun) = the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.  Example:  "It was a stroke of serendipity that Fay and I are both originally from Tennessee."

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