Books read by year

Saturday, July 23, 2022

It's Clawdia's Gotcha Day!

When I got Clawdia in 2015, the vet estimated she was about six years old.  That means she is about thirteen years old now.

Not knowing the day she was born means that we celebrate her Gotcha Day, instead.  That's today, the anniversary of the day I got her.
This chart says that would be 68 years old in human years.  Find "Senior" cat, line 13.

This photo shows Clawdia visiting her other best friend, Donna.  Best friend besides me, I mean.  This was in 2020, when they had to visit through the window, with me six feet away from Donna at the other end of that leash.  Clawdia didn't get to visit Donna even through a window screen last year because Donna was in the hospital, dying the next day.  Clawdia has other friends, but she has never stayed overnight with them, as she stayed with Donna whenever I went out of town or was in the hospital.

I think this must be a motto cats live by:  "Live every day like it's Caturday."  Happy Caturday to cats everywhere!

But especially you, Clawdia!  Happy Gotcha Day, pretty girl!  Want some treats?
(By the way, did you notice her Gotcha Day falls on a Caturday this year?)


  1. Happy Gotcha day to you and Clawdia! She has been such a wonderful companion for you over the years. And I love the photo of her and Donna.

  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Clawdia! Here's to living a healthy and healthy old age.


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