Colleen of Loose Leaf Notes noticed that the word committee has three double letters. Yeah, look at it:
- double m
- double t
- double e
I know another word with three double letters: bookkeeper has double o, double k, and double e.
I guess I've always noticed double letters because of my own name: Bonnie. Can you think of other names with double letters? Does your name have double letters? I just noticed that Colleen's name has double letters twice. Here are some names with double letters that popped into my head, mostly people I know:
Allen Alyssa Ann Barry Betty Billy Bonnie
Brooke Charlotte Colleen Donna Donnie Ellen Emma
Eileen Ella Ellen Freddie Ginny Hannah IsaacJeff Jimmy Kendall Kenneth Lee Lillian LynnMatthew Nikki Phillip Russell Sally Tommy William
In case you wonder, no, I didn't think of these names in alphabetical order. I see that many of the names on my list are nicknames, like Billy is a nickname for William. (He's my brother, by the way. Ann's my sister, and Jimmy's my "baby" brother. Now in his 70s, he goes by Jim, and his son is called Jimmy.)
Those are crazy to look at. I always thought coffee was funny to look at and LOOK was my favorite word when I was learning to write because the O's lOOked like two eyes. Bookkeeper almost looks like two words. I looked this up too and the rest mostly has ness at the end except here is another one: whippoorwill. What a strange word!