Books read by year

Monday, February 14, 2022

Wonder Woman

I posted this Wonder Woman with gray hair and wrinkles in 2019.


  1. Cute Bonnie and thanks for your latest comment on my blog I can envision you in your nice living quarters !

  2. Yes, Ginnie, as I mentioned in the comment on your blog, I'm located a block or two from two bookstores, a grocery store, and a hair salon. In other words, they are all within easy walking distance. Actually, I'm between the two bookstores, which is perfect for a "bookie" like me. There's also a Walgreen's across the street from my building, an easy place to dash in and get lots of things, like ice cream when I'm in the mood or a loaf of bread if I run out. I failed to mention there are also two or three places to eat. And we also have the Circle@Crown Café on the ground floor of one of our two buildings, making it very easy to eat lunch with friends. Too bad you don't live nearby, and we could "do lunch." There are photos of our café in these posts:


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