Books read by year

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Bookish puzzle for you

Can you figure out the real titles of these five reworded classics?
  1. The Geezer and the Caribbean
  2. An Elm Develops from a Sapling Where the Dodgers Once Played
  3. While I Was in Bed Croaking
  4. The Muscadines Belonging to Anger
  5. Tremendous Anticipations
I'll put the answers in the comments for you.  But here's the REAL question:  Have you read any of these five classics?  Now take a look at the illustration at the top that shows eleven classics above — have you read any of those?  Clicking on the picture should enlarge it, but here's the list of books for you:
  1. The Red Badge of Courage ~ by Stephen Crane, 1895
  2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ~ by James Joyce, 1916
  3. Aesop's Fables ~ by Aesop (of course), who is believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE
  4. Oedipus the King (also known as Oedipus Rex) ~ by Sophocles, circa 429 BCE
  5. The Aeneid ~ by Virgil, between 29 and 19 BCE
  6. Little Women ~ by Louisa May Alcott, published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869
  7. Ivanhoe ~ by Sir Walter Scott, published in three volumes in 1819
  8. The Republic ~ by Plato, circa 375 BC 
  9. Wuthering Heights ~ by Emily Brontë, 1847
  10. Two Plays: The Cherry Orchard and Three Sisters ~ by Anton Chekhov, 1904 for the first and 1901 for the other 
  11. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ~ by Mark Twain, published in the UK in December 1884 and in the USA in February 1885

1 comment:

  1. Here are the actual titles:
    1. The Old Man and the Sea ~ by Ernest Hemingway, 1952
    2. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn ~ by Betty Smith, 1943
    3. As I Lay Dying ~ by William Faulkner, 1930
    4. Grapes of Wrath ~ by John Steinbeck, 1939
    5. Great Expectations ~ by Charles Dickens, 1861


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