- 12/1/21
- 12/2/21
- 12/3/21
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- 12/5/21
- 12/6/21
- 12/7/21
- 12/8/21
- 12/9/21
December 2nd is unique with 12/02/2021 serving as an eight-digit palindrome.
Word of the Day
pal·in·drome /ˈpalənˌdrōm/ noun = a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run.
Word of the Day #2 added at 2:22 pm
am·bi·gram /ˈam-bə-ˌgram / plural ambigrams = something (such as an image of a written word or phrase) that can be oriented in either of two ways for viewing or reading. When flipped upside down, it can create the same image or may form a new image entirely. A very basic ambigram is the word "MOM" which can be flipped to say "WOW." — Hat tip to Jean Millner for this new-to-me word (posted on Facebook).
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