Books read by year

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Adult coloring pages from Donna

I decorated the bulletin board at the elevators on my floor for September with the pages my friend Donna had colored and taped to the door to her apartment.**  After she died in July, I kind of adopted these colored sheets of paper as I helped her sister Jane clean out Donna's apartment.  Here's what those with writing say:

Top row:
  • Keep calm and read.
  • Don't be afraid to start over.
  • Be the reason someone smiles today.
  • You are the best.
Bottom row:
  • (shows an arbor covered with flowers)
  • Re-examine all that you have been told ... dismiss that which insults your soul.
  • (shows a hummingbird)
  • Coloring done by Donna Carey (a small page added by me).

** Click twice on the photo to enlarge it, to help you see the words better.


  1. Donna didn't even consider it "work." Coloring in a group that met weekly and coloring alone in her own apartment was a way Donna enjoyed relaxing . . . along with making words with her Bananagrams letters on her coffee table. She met with another group who played Bananagrams every Saturday evening. Here's one of her "creations" that I posted in 2020:

  2. It's so great that Donna's joy lives on. I definitely enjoy adult coloring books; it's so relaxing.

  3. Thanks, Helen. I like that wording you chose: "Donna's joy lives on." It makes me smile.


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