Books read by year

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Two new books for my Kindle

Grammar for a Full Life: How the Ways We Shape a Sentence Can Limit or Enlarge Us ~ by Lawrence Weinstein, 2020, English language

Grammar is about much more than rules:  it’s about choices, too — since a thought can always be expressed correctly in multiple ways.  Weinstein reveals how our grammatical choices either stifle or boost our sense of agency in life, our creativity, our depth of connection to others, and our mindfulness.  He shows that certain tweaks to a person’s grammar can bring consequential changes in his or her fulfillment and well-being and describes some forty transformative moves that can be made with English punctuation and syntax.  You’ll learn why a greater use of active voice constructions builds assertive energy in us, and you’ll discover how — paradoxically — cutting back on the "intensifiers" (exclamation marks and words like really and absolutely) heightens our awareness of the world.

Table of Contents
  • Grammar to Take Life in Hand
  • Grammar for Creative Passivity
  • Grammar for Belonging
  • Grammar for Freedom
  • Grammar for Morale
  • Grammar for Mindfulness
  • Grammar for the End

Kiss My Asterisk: A Feisty Guide to Punctuation and Grammar ~ by Jenny Baranick, 2014, English language

Grammar has finally let its hair down!  Unlike uptight grammar books that overwhelm us with every single grammar rule, Kiss My Asterisk covers only the most important bits.  Its lessons, which are free of complicated grammar jargon, have been carefully selected to include today’s most common, noticeable errors — the ones that confuse our readers or make them wonder if we are, in fact, smarter than a fifth grader.  What is the proper use of an apostrophe?  When should an ellipsis be used instead of an em dash?  By spreading her remarkably user-friendly and hilarious approach to grammar, she hopes everyone will experience the satisfaction of a properly placed comma, a precisely used semicolon, and a correctly deployed en dash.

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