Books read by year

Friday, May 21, 2021

Beginning ~ with the whole truth

Chapter 1
The Whole Truth
Most people don't realize it, but there are a lot of mysteries to solve in elementary school.  I'm only in the third grade,  but I've been solving mysteries for a really, really, really long time — one whole month.

Aven Green: Sleuthing Machine ~ by Dusti Bowling, illustrated by Gina Perry, 2021, children's chapter book, 9/10

Third-grader Aven Green has been solving mysteries for a whole month — cracking such cases as The Mystery of the Cranky Mom.  But when her teacher’s lunch bag disappears and her great-grandma’s dog goes missing, will she be able to tackle two cases at the same time?  Fortunately, since she was born without arms, all the “arm” cells were directed to her super-powered brain instead — at least, that's this clever detective's theory.  Surely Aven's sleuthing skills are up to the challenge.
The story of little third-grade Aven as a sleuthing machine follows a pair of earlier books about her.  Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus (2017) begins with 13-year-old Aven explaining how she and her parents moved from Kansas to Arizona.  She was enrolled in a new school where nobody knew her.  She struggled to make new friends, but the kids can't seem to see past her missing arms.  Momentous Events in the Life of a Cactus (2019) follows Aven to high school with 2,300 new kids to stare at her.

Here's the author with a couple of women without arms.  Jessica Cox is on the left, Dusti Bowling in the middle, and Letisha Wexstton on the right.  This article shares how the author decided to write about a girl with no arms.

Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts 
Book Beginnings on Fridays.


  1. Omg Aven Green sounds like such a sweet book and it's such a nice representation as well! I hope you enjoy this one! I hope you have a lovely start to the weekend and do drop by my Friday post if you have the time! - Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. I've met Dusti Bowling and she's an amazing person. So glad to see her Aven Green character expanding into books for younger children. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Sounds like an excellent book. Thanks for sharing the article about the author.

  4. Thank you for sharing this new book. I put the Cactus series on my list some time ago, but I haven't read it yet.

  5. That's such a great opening and all three books sound like good ones. I will have to look them up and share them with my daughter. Have a great week, Bonnie!


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