Books read by year

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mind-blowing facts ~ and a couple of words

I was making a turkey sandwich today, when I remembered the time I exasperated my mother by take so long to spread mustard on a slice of bread.  The memory made me smile.  I remember that I was carefully spreading mustard (or maybe it was mayonnaise) to the edge of each slice of bread.  I was being very meticulous about it, watching how the mustard spread.  Mother wanted me to hurry up and be done.  I don't remember the details, just that I was surprised it bothered her.  It impressed me enough that I have remembered it for more than seven decades now.

Word of the Day #1

exasperated / iɡˈzaspəreədəd / verb (past tense) = irritated or annoyed.  Example:  "I exasperated my mother by taking so long to spread the mustard on that slice of bread."

77 Mind-Blowing Facts

This morning, I ran across this BuzzFeed article of interesting facts.  My favorites are the ones about words:
5. "umop apisdn" is "upside down" spelled upside down with different letters of the alphabet.
17.  The word "swims" upside-down is still "swims."  [It works better with capital letters:  SWIMS.]
24.  Every "C" in "Pacific Ocean" is pronounced differently.
61.  Every single odd number has an "e" in it.  [Yeah, check it out:  one, three, five, seven, nine.)
63.  "Will Will Smith smith?" and "Will Smith will smith" are sentences that make complete sense.
70.  The "ea" in "tea" is silent.
And then there's THIS to ponder:
75.  At the time the current oldest person on Earth was born, there was a completely different set of human beings on the planet.
Word of the Day #2
mind-boggling / mahynd-bog-ling / adjective (slang) = mind-blowing; intellectually overwhelming.  Example:  "That there was a completely different set of people on the planet when the current oldest person on Earth was born is understandable, but completely mind-boggling to me."


  1. I empathize with your mother. This trait of yours exasperates me as well. But it is so trivial, that you are still my bff!

  2. Guess what, dear BFF Donna. I thought about adding that to the post when I was writing it, that I exasperated you as well, when we were roommates. LOL. It's even better that YOU told the world yourself. At least, I'm aware of it.


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