Books read by year

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Snoopy is my favorite philosopher ~ and punster

A year or so ago, I posted this picture of a "branch manager" with his assistant on the bulletin board at the elevators on my floor.  Snoopy, my favorite punster, has a slight variation on that joke.

It's so frustrating when our friends just don't get it.  Last week, I posted this cartoon on Facebook and on the bulletin board by the elevator, so you may have seen it already.  But I want to "use" this cartoon to segue into a bit of philosophy because Snoopy is also my favorite philosopher.  Bear with me here, as you scan these four logical fallacies.

When I ran across these four logical fallacies on Facebook (red herring fallacy. ad hominem fallacy, anecdotal evidence fallacy, and straw man fallacy), I felt like I was back in my college logic class.  My textbook was by Copi, and I still think his is the best.  Following my train of thought, I looked up Copi and found a Wikipedia article about him.  Hmm, I see that his text is now in its 14th edition, so I must not be alone in thinking it was excellent.
Linus and Snoopy
"Copi studied under Bertrand Russell while at the University of Chicago."
Ha!  I didn't know that.  While studying for my first degree, maybe even the same year I took logic, I imagined Bertrand Russell in a homework paper/story I wrote.  Bertrand Russell called something in that story "claptrap," and I had Linus retort, "Well, you're in this claptrap with us."

Word of the Day
se·gue / ˈseɡwā,ˈsā- / verb / past tense: segued / past participle: segued = move or shift from one role, state, or condition to another.  Example:  I used the Snoopy cartoon to segue into a bit of philosophy.
Bookish Puzzle #3
  1. What Comes Before a Fall and Preconceived Judgment Towards a Group
  2. Mitt-wearing Home Plate Squatter Enclosed by Reuben Sandwich Bread
  3. An Au Revoir for Everything Inside the Shirt Sleeves
  4. Y2K Minus Number of Candles on Molly Ringwald's Cake
  5. That Audio and That Rage
  6. Toward What Person or Persons a Recess-is-Over Sound Is Directed
Can you come up with the names of these famous books whose "titles" have been vastly re-worded?  Have fun grappling with this batch.  I've share other Bookish Puzzles here and here.

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