Books read by year

Friday, June 19, 2020

Beginning ~ with a mirror

"Oona stopped trusting the mirror years ago. After all, it told only a sliver of the story. This isn't me. I am not this woman."
Oona Out of Order ~ by Margarita Montimore, 2020, fiction
It’s New Year’s Eve 1982, and Oona Lock-hart has her whole life before her.  At the stroke of midnight she will turn nineteen, and the year ahead promises to be one of consequence.  Should she go to London to study economics, or remain at home in Brooklyn to pursue her passion for music and be with her boyfriend?  As the countdown to the New Year begins, Oona faints and awakens thirty-two years in the future in her fifty-one-year-old body.  Greeted by a friendly stranger in a beautiful house she’s told is her own, Oona learns that with each passing year she will leap to another age at random.  And so begins Oona Out of Order.  Hopping through decades, pop culture fads, and much-needed stock tips, Oona is still a young woman on the inside but ever changing on the outside.  Who will she be next year?  Philanthropist?  Club Kid?  World traveler?  Wife to a man she’s never met?

Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts
Book Beginnings on Fridays.
Click this link for book beginnings
shared by other readers.


  1. I just got the ebook for this today from the library but haven't had a chance to start it yet. My Friday quotes

  2. I am keen to read this one but it seems to be hard to find here. It has a different title too.

  3. The premise of this one sounds promising :)
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair


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