Books read by year

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday o'clock

Like in this clock I found on Facebook, my days all run together.  Today is no longer Sunday o'clock, but Thursday o'clock.

Someone commented on a book blog last week:
"I think it is funny to read books written in the 40s and 50s.  Life was so different then."
Having been born in 1940 and lived through BOTH of those decades, I find that rather droll.  Looking back at 2020, at least to the early weeks of this year, we can say, "Life was so different then."  Can you relate to what I'm saying?  Life has changed drastically in a short time.

Word of the Day
DROLL /drōl/ curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement.  Example:  "I find that rather droll."
Sandy shared another picture of Louie today, and it's a cheery break in the awful news we get every day.  Hi, Louie!

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