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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Face masks and social distancing

Here's a photo Betty took wearing her mask.  I think she must have had her computer snap this shot.  She sent it to me when I checked to see if she needed one of the masks being made by two of the volunteers in our Circle@Crown Café (when it was open before our stay-at-home orders).  Since the Crown Center is now discouraging visitors in the building, Linda Goldstein had brought about a dozen for me to distribute.  Laurie Dyche tells me, "Linda and I are making face shields next."  Here's what we should know about Coronavirus face masks, according to WebMD.

Click to enlarge the images.
Here are a couple of photos from my sixth floor apartment, showing how people are social distancing themselves by walking to the drive-up pharmacy window at Walgreens across the street.  This shows one person with a cart, standing in line between two cars on Saturday.

There were no cars on Sunday, when two people together walked up to the window.  I also had seen one man waiting in a long line of cars several days earlier, but didn't think to snap a picture.  Apparently he was told to "wait over there," because the car behind him rolled up to be served while he waited patiently over by the parked cars across the lot.  Then he went back up to the window, got his stuff (presumably a prescription), and left.

I found a new meme today, found it on Colleen's blog and followed it to Our World Tuesday.  There I discovered I'm not the only one posting pictures of face masks and social distancing.  Here's one (scroll to the bottom to see him wearing his mask), and here's another who is literally social distancing by carrying a sign that's shows how far apart to stay.  Find others by clicking on the home page of Our World Tuesday, where the goal is "to look at and think about our world as a gift to share with our friends around the world."  I decided to join the 61 others who have already added their blog links.


  1. It's interesting. We are still being told not to wear masks which is in contrast to what you are all being told.

  2. I think the way to look at this is that face masks won't protect you from the virus, but in case you happen to be carrying the virus without any symptoms, wearing a face mask protects OTHER people you encounter. Therefore, I wear one when I go out of my apartment.


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