Books read by year

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Active Coping Calendar ~ in the time of coronavirus

Click to enlarge the calendar
The world has changed drastically since last month, and now we are all trying to COPE with life in the time of coronavirus.  We are in crisis.

Keep calm, stay wise, and be kind.

Here are 30  things the Action for Happiness folks suggest we do during April 2020 to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global pandemic together.

April 1
~ Make a plan to help you keep calm and stay in contact.
April 2
~ Enjoy washing your hands.  Remember all they do for you.
April 3
~ Write down ten things you feel grateful for in life and why.
April 4
~ Stay hydrated, eat healthy food, and boost your immune system.
April 5
~ Get active.  Even if you're stuck indoors, move and stretch.
April 6
~ Contact a neighbor or friend and offer to help them.
April 7
~ Share what you are feeling and be willing to ask for help.
April 8
~ Take five minutes to sit still and breathe.  Repeat regularly.
April 9
~ Call a loved one to catch up and really listen to them.
April 10
~ Get good sleep.  No screens before bed or when waking up.
April 11
~ Notice five things that are beautiful in the world around you.
April 12
~ Immerse yourself in a new book, TV show or podcast.
April 13
~ Respond positively to everyone you interact with.
April 14
~ Play a game that you enjoyed when you were younger.
April 15
~ Make some progress on a project that matters to you.
April 16
~ Rediscover your favorite music that really lifts your spirits.
April 17
~ Learn something new or do something creative.
April 18
~ Find a fun way to do an extra 15 minutes of physical activity.
April 19
~ Do three acts of kindness to help others, however small.
April 20
~ Make time for self-care.  Do something kind for yourself.
April 21
~ Send a letter or message to someone you can't be with.
April 22
~ Find positive stories in the news and share these with others.
April 23
~ Have a tech-free day.  Stop scrolling and turn off the news.
April 24
~ Put your worries into perspective and try to let them go.
April 25
~ Look for the good in others and notice their strengths.
April 26
~ Take a small step towards an important goal.
April 27
~ Thank three people you're grateful to and tell them why.
April 28
~ Make a plan to meet up with others again later in the year.
April 29
~ Connect with nature.  Breathe and notice life continuing.
April 30
~ Remember that all feelings and situations pass in time.

"Everything can be taken from us but one thing:
the freedom to choose our attitude in any given
set of circumstances." ~ Viktor Frankl

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