Books read by year

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Two by two

I've been decluttering (one good thing about being told to stay home), and I've found several books I've bought twice.  Have you ever done that?  For the first one, I can at least claim that the books LOOK so very different that I didn't recognize it.  The "extra" books have been going to my BFF Donna, if she wants them.  Yearnings was probably meant for her in the beginning, since I posted on this blog that I bought one "for a friend (one I already have, so we could study it together)"  Here are my duplicates (so far):

The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew ~ by Alan Lightman, 2013, philosophy
Lightman explores the emotional and philosophical questions raised by recent discoveries in science.  He looks at the dialogue between science and religion; the conflict between our human desire for permanence and the impermanence of nature; the possibility that our universe is simply an accident; the manner in which modern technology has separated us from direct experience of the world; and our resistance to the view that our bodies and minds can be explained by scientific logic and laws.  Behind all of these considerations is the suggestion--at once haunting and exhilarating--that what we see and understand of the world is only a tiny piece of the extraordinary, perhaps unfathomable whole.
Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life ~ by Irwin Kula, 2006, religion
Life can be messy and imperfect.  We're all looking for answers, yet the yearning for answers is no different now than it was in the times that gave rise to Moses, Buddha, and Jesus.  Far from being a burden, these yearnings can themselves become a path to blessing, prompting questions and insights, resulting in new ways of being and believing.  Merging ancient wisdom with contemporary insights, Kula shows how traditional practices can enrich our own search for meaning and invites us to embrace the messiness and complexities of our experience as humans in order to fully embrace the endless and glorious project of life.
The Seekers: The Story of Man's Continuing Quest to Understand His World ~ by Daniel J. Boorstin, 1998, cultural history
Boorstin introduces us to some of the pioneering seekers whose faith and thought have for centuries led our search for meaning.  Moses sought truth in God above, while Sophocles looked to reason.  Thomas More and Machiavelli pursued truth through social change.  And in the modern age, Marx and Einstein found meaning in the sciences.  Boorstin follows the great seekers from the heroic age of prophets and philosophers to the present age of skepticism as they grapple with the great questions that have always challenged us.
Theology of Hope ~ by Jürgen Moltmann, 1967 (English), theology
Moltmann reinterprets eschatology as a central Christian Doctrine, seeing it as a starting point for a new understanding of God in history, of Christ and salvation, of the church and its mission. The old hope for the end of time becomes hope in the present reality, a hope opposed to the way things are.  (I bought a second copy because the original was falling apart, but I kept the original because it's the one I annotated when I read it in 1987.)
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why ~ by Bart D. Ehrman, 2015, theology
Ehrman reveals that the King James edition of the Bible (1) was based on corrupted and inferior manuscripts that in many cases do not accurately represent the meaning of the original text, (2) the story of Jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11) doesn't belong in the Bible, and (3) scribal errors were so common in antiquity that the author of the Book of Revelation threatened damnation to anyone who adds to or takes away words from the text.  
We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation ~ by Brian D. McLaren, 2014, religion
Re-imagine what it means to live joyfully and responsibly in today's world as agents of God's justice,creativity, and peace.  These readings give an overview of the whole Bible and guide an individual or a group of friends through a year of rich study, interactive learning, and personal growth.   If you're seeking a fresh way to experience and practice your faith or if you feel out of place in traditional church circles, this book will inspire and activate you in your spiritual journey.
Multiple copies, multiple times

Hmm, I see that I've done this before, and some of the books are the same ones.  I guess I haven't been very prompt in giving away spares.

1 comment:

  1. I just did this recently with Gowda's The Shape of Family and a while back with Sepetys' Fountain of Silence. :-)


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