What food (
NOT toilet paper) would you stock up on in case you need to be quarantined? I came across
an excellent article by Marla Heller, author of the DASH Diet books on my shelves. Before you say, I don't need to diet," let me share a quote:
"A diet is a food pattern. An eating style. It doesn't just refer to a weight-loss plan" (p. 4 of The DASH DIET Mediterranean Solution, 2018).
Marla shares the food supplies she herself has bought by categories:
- Freezer
- On the counter
- Refrigerator
- Pantry, including staples
I'm happy to say that I have a pretty good selection of these on hand myself, though I didn't think of nuts. I love cashews, so maybe later I'll run across the street to Walgreen's and buy a package or two. Tell me what you think of her article
Quarantine! Does it give you any ideas of food you may need to get?
We've gotten things like canned black beans and garbanzo beans, pasta, crushed tomatoes, lentils, etc. Let's hope we don't have to actually be quarantined.