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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Planning, in case of quarantine

What food (NOT toilet paper) would you stock up on in case you need to be quarantined?  I came across an excellent article by Marla Heller, author of the DASH Diet books on my shelves.  Before you say, I don't need to diet," let me share a quote:
"A diet is a food pattern.  An eating style.  It doesn't just refer to a weight-loss plan" (p. 4 of The DASH DIET Mediterranean Solution, 2018).
Marla shares the food supplies she herself has bought by categories:
  • Freezer
  • On the counter
  • Refrigerator
  • Pantry, including staples
I'm happy to say that I have a pretty good selection of these on hand myself, though I didn't think of nuts.  I love cashews, so maybe later I'll run across the street to Walgreen's and buy a package or two.  Tell me what you think of her article Quarantine!  Does it give you any ideas of food you may need to get?

1 comment:

  1. We've gotten things like canned black beans and garbanzo beans, pasta, crushed tomatoes, lentils, etc. Let's hope we don't have to actually be quarantined.


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