Books read by year

Friday, November 1, 2019

New Things November 2019

Click on the calendar to enlarge it.
I found this month's calendar on the Action for Happiness web site.  Here's what they suggest we do for the first days of November.

November 1
~ Make a list of new things you want to try out this month.
November 2
~ Broaden your perspective: read a different paper, magazine, or site.
November 3
~ Enjoy new music today.  Play, sing, dance, or listen.
November 4
~ Today meet someone new and learn something about them.
November 5
~ Choose a different route and see what you notice on the way.
November 6
~ Make a meal using a recipe or ingredient you've not tried before.
November 7
~ When you feel you can't do something, add the word "yet."
November 8
~ Today connect with someone from a different generation.
November 9
~ Teach yourself a new skill.  Origami?  First aid?  Meditation?
November 10
~ Get out into nature and observe the changing season.

"You never know what you can do
until you try." ~ C. S. Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie! I found you on the BlogBlast For Peace peace globe trail as I was looking at old blogs today. We are STILL blogging for peace (since 2006).
    I hope you will join us again this year. Tomorrow! November 4, 2019.

    Go to for more information. So thrilled to see you are still blogging. So many aren't.

    Peace to you and yours,


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