Books read by year

Friday, June 22, 2018

Beginning ~ with forty head of cattle

The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn ~ by Lori Benton, 2014, fiction (North Carolina)

Since this book is about Tamsen escaping from the life her stepfather forced upon her, we need her first chapter as well as the one about the frontiersman who helps her escape, which comes first.  (I described the book when I bought it last week.)  The blue dress on the cover?  She's wearing it in her first scene, but I'm pretty sure it won't recur in most of the story.  Two beginnings:
Western North Carolina
September 1787

To Jesse Bird's reckoning, any man charged with driving forty head of Overmountain cattle to market best have three things in his possession ― a primed rifle, a steady horse, and a heap of staying power.

Morganton, North Carolina
Tamsen Littlejohn peered through rippled window glass at the rutted street beyond. "I suppose this is entirely that painter's fault," she murmured and hoped her mother didn't hear the dread behind the words.
I was ready for some fiction when I started this book last night.  I've been reading lots of nonfiction, and it was nice to fall into a story for a change.

Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts Book Beginnings on Fridays.  Click here for today's Mister Linky.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely cover! The teasers are intriguing too. This week I have a book that has been on TBR mountain way too long - A Rumor of Bones by Beverly Connor. Happy reading!


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