Books read by year

Friday, February 24, 2017

One of life's mysteries

Last night, I went to Sandy's apartment, and when I returned a few minutes later, I found Clawdia's new toy from Barbara in her empty dish.  So I took a cell-phone picture of it.  Was Clawdia trying to tell me something?  (Something like:  "My bowl is empty and I'm starving to death.")  Was it an accident, a mistake that happened while she played?  I was delighted to find the toy, which was "lost" the same day she got it, maybe a week ago.  I had recovered it a few times, and then it was completely "lost" and I hadn't seen it again.  I called Clawdia, but she didn't come.  I offered food, and still she was quiet and hidden.  I began to wonder if she was afraid she'd done something wrong and wouldn't come out.  She was under the green chair and didn't speak up until I got down on the floor and peeked under the chair.

It's a great story, and I decided to send the photo to my email so I could illustrate the story on my blog.  I sent myself "Toy but no food" just after 8:00 pm, but it didn't arrive, even after I checked my email several times.  I sent it again, calling this one "In her empty dish" so I'd know which would finally arrive in my email.  The second attempt showed up almost immediately, and I downloaded it into my "images" folder.

"In her empty dish" (2nd, sent later) came at 8:20 pm, and "Toy but no food" (1st, sent earlier) didn't arrive until 2:35 am.  That's six-and-a-half hours later!  Was it floating in the clouds?  Ooooh, but see below where I forwarded it to some friends ― and it says it was sent at 8:03 pm.  What the heck?!?  The in-box list still shows 2:35 am.  Where did it go during those missing hours?
----- Forwarded Message -----
From:  (my cell phone number)
To:  (my email address)
Sent:  Thursday, February 23, 2017 8:03 PM
Subject:  Toy but no food
I forgot to add that Clawdia immediately started playing with the toy when she came out of hiding.  She batted it this way and that way ... chasing it around the room, into the hallway, oops!  Gone again.  I got online to check email and  Facebook, then offered to take Clawdia for a walk before going to bed.  As I slipped on my shoes, Clawdia peered under the bookcase in the hall.  Aha!  I felt under it and came up with the sparkly ball, and off she went, batting it happily into the living room and the bedroom.  I had my shoes on, so once again I opened the door to let her walk down the hall, as she likes to do every evening.  But no, she was having more fun with the toy.  Then ... oops!  Where'd it go?  I think it's lost this time among the boxes, but I haven't been able to find it.  Yet.  It could be under any of several bookcases.  We'll find it, eventually.  In the meantime, I promised to get her more like it so she can keep having fun.  This is the first toy she has ever fallen in love with.

1 comment:

  1. The mystery of the lost email. 6 and a half hours seems like an awfully long time for it to arrive. It sounds like you've found the perfect toy for Clawdia


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