Books read by year

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday Salon ~ a day for fathers

It's Father's Day, and I'm thinking about the father of my children.  This photo of us with our three children, taken in the mid-1960s, is my favorite one of our family.  He died in 2011.

Here's one of my own mother and father when my little brother and I were the only children.  He and I were about the same ages then as my children in the photo above.  Our other sister and brother came along later in the 1940s.  My dad died in 1964, and my mother in 2004.


I've been buying mostly Kindle books lately, but here's the hardback I bought yesterday.

The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs ~ compiled by Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R. Shapiro, 2012
"You can't unring a bell."  "It takes a village to raise a child."  "Life is just a bowl of cherries."  We sometimes think of proverbs as expressions of ancient wisdom, but in fact new proverbs are constantly arising.  This unique volume is devoted exclusively to English-language proverbs that originated in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.  The most complete and accurate such collection ever compiled, The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs presents more than 1,400 individual proverbs gathered and researched with the help of electronic full-text databases not previously used for such a project.  Entries are organized alphabetically by key words, with information about the earliest datable appearance, origin, history, and meaning of each proverb.  Mundane or sublime, serious or jocular, these memorable sayings represent virtually every aspect of the modern experience.  Readers will find the book almost impossible to put down once opened; every page offers further proof of the immense vitality of proverbs and their colorful contributions to the oral traditions of today.
Bloggers gather in the Sunday Salon — at separate computers in different time zones — to talk about our lives and our reading.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice tribute to fathers. I'm lucky enough to still have my 89-year-old father with me, along with my wonderful husband, father to my two sons. Now my oldest son is also a father, so it's a day for all of these men.


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