Books read by year

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Five ~ thinking "beach"

This morning (12th)
RevKarla brings us today's Friday Five, which she calls "Random."

1.  If you could sneak away anywhere this weekend, right now, all expenses paid, where would you go and what would you do?
Except for the fact that this is the last day they'll be there, I'd join my twin daughters who are vacationing together this week at Orange Beach, Alabama.  Their photos (texted and on Facebook) show they're having a grand time, reading, watching the sun come up, and painting with watercolors.
Yesterday morning (11th)
2.  What is for lunch today?  (RevKarla says, "One of the very first FF I ever played asked this.")
Lunch is over, and I had beef pot roast.
3.  Along that first-FF-RevKarla-ever-played theme, what are you wearing today?
I'm wearing my "retirement uniform" of jeans, tee-shirt, and comfortable slip-on shoes.  When I went out (see #4), I added a long-sleeved denim shirt because it is only 58*F today at mid-afternoon in St. Louis.  My daughters seem to be wearing swimwear in this photo from a couple of days ago.
Day before yesterday (10th)
4.  Along the Today Theme, what are you doing today?
I took two neighbors to the library and and grocery store.  We live in a high-rise for seniors, and neither of the women has a car.  As I said in my earlier post today, "I not only still drive my car, but go at least weekly to the nearest library."
5.  Along the random theme, what is your favorite scent, and why?
Back in February, I told you Friday Fivers about the scent of hyacinths taking me back to my sandbox in my grandmother's back yard, so today I'll think about the scent of the ocean along the Gulf Coast where my daughters have been frolicking.  Do they look 54 to you?  Maybe it's just my "motherly eyes" seeing them more like four or five years old.
Sunrise three days ago (9th)

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