Yesterday, it was "May the Fourth be with you." Today is Cinco de Mayo, and I couldn't resist when I saw this picture of the Sinko de Mayo. Okay, I'm weird. You know it, and I know it. Moving on. How does this have anything to do with Monday Mindfulness, you ask? I'll try to make a connection.
Mayo and Monday and Mindfulness all start with an M. Mindfulness is all about paying attention to what's around me. Should I notice tacos? Or Mondays? Or mayo, otherwise known as mayonnaise? If this were a foodie blog, I'd go with the mayo and talk about sandwiches.
I like my BLT sandwiches with mayo. Sometimes toasted, sometimes not. I also like mayo when I make most of my cheese and tomato sandwiches. On the other hand, I prefer dijon mustard when I have swiss cheese and tomato on pumpernickel. Do you like mayonnaise on your sandwiches? With or without mustard? Give examples, please.
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