Books read by year

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Caturday ~ cat discussion

Blackie, with his human:  "Reading — not juz fur innterlectualls."

Sir Bartholomeow:  "I beg your pardon?  You can't even spell."

Miss Butterscotch:  "I challenge the assumption that felines are innately unskilled in the areas of grammar, spelling, and punctuation."

Kiki Cat:  "I want you to know that some of us are erudite cats.  Please give us a little credit and understand that some of us cats are quite intelligent!"

Sir Bartholomeow:  "Oh, I agree with you both, Miss Butterscotch and Kiki, that some of us are quite brilliant.  But not Blackie, who is unable to spell even simple words."

Miss Butterscotch:  "Even worse, he has no desire to learn."

Blackie:  "I can HERE yu, and I think your juz rood!"

Kiki:  "Rude?  Would you like to learn, Blackie?"

Blackie:  "Mebbe, after I finch dis buk."

1 comment:

  1. Cute, Bonnie... especially the photo of Sir Barholomeow ... he looks exactly like a friend of mine.


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