Books read by year

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mini Challenge ~ Best and Worst Covers

Mini Challenge for Hour 7:  "Look up one of the books you're reading for the read-a-thon on Goodreads or Amazon, pick out two or three covers and describe which one you like the best, which one you like the least and why."  Then leave a comment at Reading My Way Through Life.

I'm reading Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs.  Both of these are paperback books, though the library copy on the left was shelved in 2000, when the book was published, and the darker cover is being sold online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble right now.  Today.  I like the dark one better, maybe because it looks more solid to me.  Maybe because white covers get lost against the white background of my blog page.


  1. Emily said ... (on Facebook)...

    "I like the more realistic one with the book stack."

    Carol said ... (on Facebook)...

    "Me too."

    Pansy clicked LIKE (on Facebook)

    Bonnie said ... (on Facebook)...

    "If you clicked over to read my blog, you saw that's the one I chose as well."

  2. Yep, I agree, although it's partly because a photo of a stack of books is always a great thing. And, I don't like cartoony cover illustrations like that one on the left.


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