Books read by year

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Invitation to discuss a book

I have planned a book discussion you can "attend" whenever it's convenient for you.  I have set up my Book Buddies blog for a discussion of this book:

Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith ~ by Diana Butler Bass, 2006
Read more about the book and the way we'll look at it by clicking on the title (or this link).
It's an ecumenical (interfaith) discussion, so you don't have to be Christian.  Nobody will be allowed to try to "convert" anyone -- or bully anyone.  I'm moderating the discussion, so I won't let that happen.  You don't even have to buy the book, but are welcome to share your opinion and answer any discussion questions (from the study guide) you like.  I've already posted the first few question.  We plan to talk about the book are we work our way through it, answering questions while a section is still fresh on our minds.  If you want to read our conversation without saying anything, that's okay, too.  Come take a look, okay?

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