Books read by year

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dewey's 24-hour readathon

It's time once again to sign up for Dewey's Readathon.  On Saturday, April 21, we'll have 24 hours of non-stop book reading around the world.  To participate as a reader, sign up on the Mister Linky provided on the blog.  The Read-A-Thon starts at 8:00 am Eastern Daylight Time, where I live in the United States.  Participation is open worldwide, so let me know in the comments if you'll be part of this readathon.


  1. Every year I sign up for this and every year something gets in the way of 24 hours of reading. I will probably sign up again because I love the idea that I might get in tons of reading!

  2. I think it's fun to visit the blogs and do some of the memes and mini-challenges. And reading, though I rarely get any great amount of reading done.

  3. I've signed up and hoping to get more reading in this year than I did last. You're right. It's too much fun to socialize (Twitter and visiting blogs)!

  4. Maybe this time I'll read more. . . .


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