Books read by year

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Salon ~ abandoned books

Do you ever put a book aside -- and then never get back to it?  Following the lead of Nancy @ Bookfoolery and Babble, I call that kind of book a DNF, for "Did Not Finish."  In her Salon post last week, Eva @ A Striped Armchair explained how that happens.  She says it so beautifully.
"I don’t have a definite set of criteria for abandoning a book, but since I read in fifty to sixty page shifts, I always end up with ‘pauses’ in whatever I’m reading.  If I notice that I put off reading when a certain book is at the top of the pile, or that I seem to begrudge an author the time I’m spending on the page or my internal monologue begins ratcheting up the sarcasm, I know that it’s time to take stock.  So then I just ask myself if there’s a book I’d rather be reading in the questionable’s place; if a title immediately springs to mind or if I suddenly feel more excited about reading just thinking about alternatives, I know it’s time to walk away."

Just finished, a re-read for a read-in:  Ninth Ward ~ by Jewell Parker Rhodes, 2010, YA fiction (Louisiana), 9/10

Currently reading:  Girl Meets God ~ by Lauren F. Winner, 2002, memoir

Also reading, for 3-4-12 book club discussion:  American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation ~ by Jon Meacham, 2006, religion

Up next, so I can lead a 3-25-12 discussion:  The Last Week ~ by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan, 2006, religion


My granddaughter Cady and her friend Amanda (on the left) delivered Girl Scout cookies -- twenty-four boxes in two plastic bags, since a couple of my friends ordered cookies through me.  Since the bags advertised a business, I handed each of the girls a box of thin mints so I could take this picture.  Have you tried the new Savannah Smiles?  I really like the tartness of the lemon taste.

On Wednesday, I had lunch with my friends Jane and Donna at the Vietnamese restaurant, which is owned by our friend Rosa and her husband.  Rosa and Jane both had birthdays this week, the 21st and the 23rd.  I forgot to take photos of the food, as I'd planned, so instead I'll let you ponder this unique jar on the counter.  It was a gift, Rosa said.
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  1. I have girl scout cookies to collect this week as well. We always get thin mints.

    Have a great week, I don't have much to say for my Sunday Salon this week so may skip it

  2. Thanks for the shout out! :) I actually just brought Ninth Ward home from the library!


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