Books read by year

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kiki Caturday ~ a snapshot

Bonnie has been busy this week packing books into boxes, as you can barely see in this photo.  She makes me tired, just watching her, so mostly I just close my eyes.  That means I have to catnap so I don't see her, see?  She took the picture, so we'll call this her Saturday Snapshot.  Even if I did post it for her because she's been busy making plans to get together with her friend who is in town this weekend from Florida.

Kiki Cat, signing off

This meme is hosted by Alyce @ At Home With Books.
Links to today's photos are here.


  1. She's very lovely. I miss having a cat.

  2. I always think that cats are probably judging us for our busy, busy lives. I mean, they just want to sit and nap and eat and clean up and then nap again! LOL

  3. I do love watching cats...and capturing them isn't all that easy, sometimes; they tend to move around!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT - and here’s

  4. Cat napping beats packing boxes any day! Smart Kitty :)

  5. What a nice kitty! Enjoy your time with your friend!

  6. A guest post from the kitty! That's perfect.

  7. Great picture. I never get my cat still - or me still, not sure which.

  8. Didn't you help packing? Our cat always helps with packing and/or unpacking boxes :-)
    Cute picture.


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