Books read by year

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Plague Ship ~ by Frank G. Slaughter, 1976

Plague Ship ~ by Frank G. Slaughter, 1976, fiction (Peru)
One reviewer said, "Buried deep under the Andes mountains of Peru, a 5000-year-old plague waits to [be] unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. ... In an age of global concern about the possibility (or certainty) of a future pandemic similar to pandemics that have ravaged human populations in the past, a thirty-plus-year-old book about an ancient plague serves as a reminder that these fears are nothing new."  The other two reviewers weren't much impressed with the book, and one of them said, "My advice -- do not set sail on The Plague Ship."
Have any of you read any books by this author? What's your verdict?  I may not read it, but I picked up the book because one of my bookstore customers bought just about every Frank Slaughter book I could find for him, if he didn't already have it.

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