Books read by year

Friday, March 25, 2011

Book Beginnings ~ in August

This is the beginning of The Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts ~ by Richard Peck, 2004, YA fiction (Indiana).
"If your teacher has to die, August isn't a bad time of year for it."
This catches my attention, but the book wasn't one of his best.  I'm not apt to remember it very long, if at all.  This isn't much of a review, but  it was somewhat entertaining, so I rate it 8/10.

He autographed this book when I saw him in 2005.

This meme is hosted by Katy at A Few More Pages. Share the first sentence or two of the book you are reading. Then, share your impressions of that beginning. Click this link to see what others say about the books they are reading this week.


  1. That is a great first line, too bad the rest of the book didn't follow through. I've never read one of his books

  2. I've read several of his books, and this is the first one that just doesn't appeal to me. Not sure why not, exactly.


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