Books read by year

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Missing the Boat" ~ by Naomi Shihab Nye

It is not so much that the boat passed

and you failed to notice it.

It is more like the boat stopping

directly outside your bedroom window,

the captain blowing the signal-horn,

the band playing a rousing march.
The boat shouted, waving bright flags,

its silver hull blinding in the sunlight.
But you had this idea you were going by train.
You kept checking the time-table,

digging for tracks.
And the boat got tired of you,

so tired it pulled up the anchor

and raised the ramp.
The boat bobbed into the distance,

shrinking like a toy --
at which point you probably realized

you had always loved the sea.
"Missing the Boat," a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye, is from Different Ways to Pray (Breitenbush Publications, 1980)

(Discovered on pages 107-108 in Putting Away Childish Things: A Tale of Modern Faith, a novel by Marcus Borg.)

1 comment:

  1. Consider also reading "The Art of Disappearing" by Naomi Shihab Nye, found here:


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