Books read by year

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

For unto us a child is born.....

My grandson Kendall holding his son Jaxon, born yesterday around noon. Jaxon, at 19 inches, weighed 7.1 pounds.  Even in his mother Whitney's arms, Jaxon's face is hidden by the baby blanket!


  1. So exciting! Congratulations and I hope everyone is doing well

  2. Many generations. You all started so young to have this all happen. Congrats.

  3. Thanks, Helen. Yes, everyone is doing well. Kendall said they expect to go home tomorrow.

    Thanks, Madge. I was 23 when David was born, David 23 when Kendall was born, and Kendall 24 when Jaxon was born. Add those up (23 + 23 + 24), and you'll see I am now 70.

  4. Congratulations to everyone! woo hoo!!

  5. So Unknown (Blogger's email called you Anonymous), are you Kendall or Whitney or maybe even Jaxon with help? Do I know you? Or are you a stranger with a similar birth date?


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