Books read by year

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Redefining hero ~ a book review

I am discussing The Postmistress by Sarah Blake (2010) with my online friends at Book Buddies.  If you've read it, drop by and leave comments about the book.  Click this link to see our first set of questions.

Iris James, the postmistress, is listening to "that gal" on the radio, as Frankie Bard redefines what a hero is.  This long quote (from pages 119-120) was one of my favorites:
Iris had come to a stop in front of the radio perched on the shelf in the sorting room of the post office above the hot plate and her teakettle.

"Waiting and watching.  Weeping into your sleeves -- these are not the traits of heroes, neither Ulysses, nor Aeneas, and not Joshua.  Think, rather, of Penelope.  Think of all the women down through the years who have watched and waited -- but who, like the boys with their horse, wept and picked themselves up and went on -- and you will have a small sense, then, of the heroes here.  The occupied, the bombed, and the very, very brave.  This is Frankie Bard in London.  Good night."

Iris reached for the knob and slowly turned it to the right.  She didn't, as a rule, like the sound of that gal's voice, didn't like the undercurrent that seemed always to run through it that she held the truth in her hand and everyone better damn well take a look.  Nonetheless -- Iris stood back from the radio and crossed her arms -- she was fairly sure that the radio gal had just redefined the nature of a hero.  She considered the black box.  Yes, she was certain that that was what Miss Frankie Bard had done.
The book captivated me.  What would happen if a postmistress chose not to deliver the mail?   It made me feel that I was there with those experiencing World War Two in Europe and on the home front in the United States. The video below shows many pictures and headlines from that era.

I rate The Postmistress an 8 out of 10.  It's a very good book.

1 comment:

  1. I stopped by to let you know Merlin got home safe sometime around midnight the same night he ran off.

    That was over an hour ago. I got sidetracked by your reviews and then on the library catalog looking for titles you mentioned. I ordered The Postmistress and Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. The other Janisse Ray, sadly, is not in our system.


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