Books read by year

Friday, August 8, 2008

08:08 08-08-08

Clever, huh? I must admit it was not my idea, but it appeared at "08:08 08-08-08" in South Africa on Absolute Vanilla's blog. I set my alarm so I could "capture" the exact time in Chattanooga, Tennessee, which is in the Eastern Time Zone of the USA (-5:00). Not everyone welcomes this day, as you can see by reading Fearful residents mark Myanmar's "8-8-88" uprising. For others it may be momentous, as today marks the opening of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.

Did you know the Chinese built one stadium to attract nesting birds and planned the aquatics center so it uses mostly recycled water? They also made efforts to reduce waste and better the water and air quality. Beijing went green because China lost the chance to host the summer Olympic games last time mostly because Australia’s proposal emphasized the importance of greening the games. Now let's hope the Chinese will continue being green even after the spotlight is no longer on them.

ADDED minutes before midnight: Baby eights ... talk about timing!
Two babies born at 8:08 on 8/8/08 weighing 8 Pounds, 8 Ounces

Hailey Jo Hauer and Xander Jace Riniker were both born at 8:08 a.m. on 8/8/08, weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces, in neighboring states. Lindsey Hauer thought staff at Lake Region Hospital in Minnesota were joking when they told her the time of her daughter's birth. Then she got a call from the birthing suite noting Hailey's weight. Xander, born at St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is the eighth grandchild for his mother's parents. And he's not the only one in his family with an unusual birthday: His 2-year-old brother, Kael, was born on 4/5/06.


  1. Hi Bonnie, I've been reading and enjoying your blog. All the talk about 8/08/08 reminds me of an old joke. I think I first a variation of it back in 70s,told by David Allen.

    Man 1: So what did you do on Friday?

    Man 2: Well, it was the 8th of the 8th of 2008 and the night before I dreamt of the number 8 and so I went to the racetrack and bet $888 on the 8th horse in the 8th race which was paying odds of 8 to 1.

    Man 1: Did it win?

    Man 2: No, it came in 8th.


  2. Thanks, David. That one really IS clever! LOL

  3. I really appreciate you coming to visit me. The power of the Number 8 fascinates me too. And how glad I am to see David M visiting you. He is a great friend of mine!

  4. Hey - you did it! Cool!

    Hmm, I confess to being sceptical about Beijing's greening - I guess time will tell...


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