About the time this blog was overrun by cats last year, two very different reading felines spent time in my header. Yella Cat, on the right, stayed until he heard that Dewey wanted to turn him into a lolcat. He went on to stardom in the lolcat world, and almost immediately Nucat, on the left, showed up (read the comments on Yella Cat's post). Nucat purred a lot when you readers praised his round, Charlie-Brown-shaped head, but one day he up and left without a word. Didn't even collect his last kitty-treat paycheck. Just left. I think he found something more exciting to do.
Can you believe that just yesterday they BOTH showed up again? Yes, really! And they both want the job back. I explained that I'm very happy with the panorama of Cape Town, South Africa, in the header up above. On the other hand, it's been there awhile and I'm thinking that maybe it's time for a change. But which cat shall I choose?
Please refer to the voting thingy in the sidebar and help me out, here. Should I give the header job to Nucat or Yella Cat? Or should I find another cat who can read? I've had several applicants during the past year. Then again, some of you may prefer my cat-less headers ... or even the urban raccoons I had there once.

One last request: Would you also comment here so I'll know your reasons for choosing one header or another? Thank you, thank you, and thank you, all.
I voted for Nucat. Yella Cat looks sweet enough, but he also looks like he's a bit bored and about to fall asleep. I figure that's not good PR! Nucat, on the other hand looks alert, not to mention cute as a button. The hard part was voting for the cat over the landscape. I think it pretty neat that the header has some relevance to a book...but to make that work, I'd want the header to change with each book you discuss and I suspect that would be tough for some...not to mention a hassle. So Nucat it is!
ReplyDeleteI vote for Yella cat. He looks like he is settled in for a long reading session and that he is very annoyed that he has been interrupted by someone taking his photo. Like I would be.
ReplyDeleteNucat's abnormal head bothers me a little.
The raccoons are the cutest, but they don't look like they might rather cruise sewers and eat junk food than settle down and read.
I meant to vote for yellacat but hit nucat. I think he would show up better on the header and looks sorty of lazily relaxed.
ReplyDeleteColleen, I think you are allowed to change your vote, but I'll keep track of things here as well. Since Ellen told us which she wanted to see, but didn't actually vote in the poll, I think the comments may be a better way of keeping track of the votes anyway. So far:
ReplyDeleteNucat = 1
Yella Cat = 2
Sorry, now I voted. And I meant the raccoons _do_ look like they would rather cruise sewers and eat junk food than read :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ellen. I was counting you, wherever you "voted"!
ReplyDeleteLOL, Bonnie - thanks for the chuckle this morning! I voted for NuCat because of his unusual looks and the fact that he appears to take his job seriously (even though I was laughing at him!). The raccoons are also wonderful...perhaps they could use their fine motor skills to assist in some way (although they look as though they have mischief on their minds!).
ReplyDeleteNucat all the way, Baby!
ReplyDeleteGee...they both look so serious!! But I think I like Nucat. I wish I could give you a reason...but I just like the picture the best!!
ReplyDeleteI love them both! I tried to vote for I voted for Nucat, but it came back saying something like web page unavailable. I don't use the blogger poll anymore on my blog, because so many people have had trouble voting. I now use Polldaddy.
ReplyDeleteI voted for Yella Cat because I think he just looks like he's enjoying the book more. I also like the colors better and the background is less cluttered.
ReplyDeleteNucat gets my vote. He looks contemplative, as though he is giving careful consideration to the passage he has just read. Also, I beleive the larger head circumference on Nucat is a sign of intelligence. Yella Cat, on the other hand, seems to convey an a jaded and blase' attitude.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the raccoon picture, but I'm afraid they may have very little interest in literary pursuits.
Since there was no choice for a dog, I voted for Yella Cat mostly because I love the fact that he is at leisure to curl up with a book and enjoy it or fall asleep and pick it back up in the evening and read through the night.
ReplyDeleteNucat seems to me a bit of a book snob and know it all and I am sure the raccoons would just as soon eat a book as to read it.
I think Yella cat looks like he coulda been there on his own and nucat looks too posed.
ReplyDeleteI voted for Nucat because it looks like the new cat we have acquired yesterday. After getting in my car to go to church, I heard "meow, meow" and this little white/gray kitten poked its head up from under the car. Since I teach Sunday School, I had to just take it into Bonnie. -- Donna