Books read by year

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Flight of the hooked-thumb bird

This paragraph by Goldendaze-Ginnie has inspired me to silliness:

I have another granddaughter who just turned six. She is a budding author. Her favorite thing is to create a story in both words and pictures. Her mind is so creative that it’s sometimes difficult to follow her logic, but that’s what makes it so enchanting. (Why can’t a hand fly into the sky, waving as it goes ... and leaving a trail of little hearts ?)

A flying hand? Hey, why not?

I can see it as a children's book,
and that trail of little hearts looks pink to me.

On the other hand (pun intended), I can image lots of other possibilities.

Turn both hands palm up. Now cross your wrists, palms still facing you. Your thumbs should be almost touching, so hook them together. Wiggle both sets of fingers in a "come hither" motion. Do you see the bird? Now let it fly!

Maybe instead of a children's book it could be a book for parents. "Very good," I would say beside a picture like this, "but now flip your hands so the palms are up."

Making hand-birds is a way to entertain a child who wants out of the grocery cart, for instance. Or to distract her at the doctor's office. Or as part of the entertainment on a long trip.

Oops! No turn your palms UPward, not OUTward.

(Some parents may find it hard to follow directions.)

Now, what else could go into a book like that?

Can you see the magic in your own hands?


  1. I remember a hand/finger game my mom used to play with me when I was small - called two little dickie birds sitting on a wall - I swear, those dickie birds really used to fly away and come right back! :-)

  2. I'm flattered, Bonnie, that you would quote my words...but it was the 6 year old that had the imagination.
    I've always loved to watch hand silhouettes making pictures on a wall.


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