Books read by year

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sixth hour (5:00-6:00 p.m. EDT) ~ REPORT

Title of book(s) I've been reading this hour (hourly # of pages):
..... Memories, Dreams, Reflections ~ by Carl Jung (12 pages)
..... Total pages this hour = 12 pages

Books I've read (or dipped into) since I started (total # of pages):
..... A Three Dog Life ~ by Abigail Thomas (182 pages)
..... Big Woods ("The Bear") ~ by William Faulkner (15 pages)
..... Memories, Dreams, Reflections ~ by Carl Jung (12 pages)
..... Total pages today = 209 pages

Comments about this hour:
..... Nymeth said, "Yes, books that demand too much concentration are probably not the best for the Read-a-thon. I hope you make some good progress in your next book!"
..... I have to remind myself that I would normally spend LONG stretches reading Jung's book and making notes (which I've been doing in this hour). I don't usually stop abruptly every 45-55 minutes to go do something else, like post a report!
..... So is the question to see how many pages I can romp through? Or is my goal to keep reading through the books I want to finish?

Time spent reading since my last post (and collectively):
30 minutes (195 minutes = 3 hours + 15 minutes)

Other participants I've visited this hour:

Mini-challenge this hour:
Nah, I'm not taking the time.

1 comment:

  1. Jung is very ambitious.

    I'm hosting a book giveaway just for Read-a-thon participants. Check my blog to enter. It's open until Wednesday.

    Keep reading and stop by after it's all over.


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