Books read by year

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Give our leaders the finger...

...index fingers only, please!

What are you voting to protect?

Why are you committed to stopping global warming?

What do you really care about in this world?

Watch this video and consider doing this yourself:

What would you write on YOUR palm, below your green finger?

I think I'll write "MY GRANDCHILDREN."

November 3rd, 2007
is the
National Day of Climate Action


  1. I think I'd probably write "Your future" - that might get whichever "you" was reading it, thinking! ;-)

  2. I'm with you, Bonnie. (Only it's my thumb that's gree). I don't have any yet but they're on their way. I love the new bird in your header!

  3. N

    That N belongs in my first comment.

  4. Thanks for being a cheerleader in Dewey's readathon! I'm a reader tomorrow. :)


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