Shadows on the Rock by Willa Cather, 1931
2. Genre: historical fiction
3. What made you want to read it? Did it live up to your expectations?
The setting is Quebec, Canada, and I am reading books that allow me to be an armchair traveler. This book shows quite well the French origins of the town and area, but I needed translations of the frequent French exchanges, which the author did not provide.
4. Summarize the book without giving away the ending.
Shadows on the Rock was written after Willa Cather discovered Quebec City during an unplanned stay in 1928 and reflects her fascination with finding a little piece of France in eastern Canada. Set in the late seventeenth century, the novel centers on the activities of the widowed apothecary Euclide Auclair and his young daughter, Cecile. To Auclair's house and shop come trappers, missionaries, craftsmen, the indigent — in other words, those seeking cures, a taste of France, or liberation from the corruptions caused there by the excesses of the French court. Set against these fictional characters are historical personages such as Bishop Laval and Count Frontenac.
5. Did you think the characters and their problems were believable?
The characters were very believable, but it seemed to me that their problems were all minor. I couldn't decide whether Auclair or his daughter Cecile was the main character, but I eventually hoped Cecile would be able to stay in Canada, as she wanted to.
6. Was the time period important to the story?
This historical novel tells the story of early Kebec, set on a rock alongside the river. Supply ships from France were unable to make the voyage during the winter months, so the settlers had to plan carefully to have adequate provisions in order to survive during the winter.
7. Share a quote from the book.
He would die here, in this room, and his spirit would go before God to be judged. He believed this, because he had been taught it in childhood, and because he knew there was something in himself and in other men that this world did not explain.I won't say who thinks this because it could possibly be a spoiler for someone.
8. What do you think will be your lasting impression of this book?
I'm sure I'll remember the ROCK. I've never been to Quebec, and this book has made me curious about the arrangement of the city above the river.
9. Which readers are most likely to enjoy this book, and why?
Those who like historical fiction and/or want to visit a beautiful city via a book written by a master. It won't appeal to anyone who is looking for action with bloody mayhem.
10. How would you rate this book?
Rated: 7.5/10, a good book.
UPDATE: See also my post about "Quebec City."
A couple years ago I went to Quebec on my niece's 8th grade trip. It is so beautiful. It is what I would think Europe must be like. Quaint and charming. The people are the nicest. Most of them spoke English and I did not experience a language barrier. French is pretty easy to figure out for day to day stuff.
ReplyDeleteI really, really want to go back. Montreal is fun like a big city, but Quebec is cool.
The book sounds like a good read.
How many cats do you have, my freckled friend? No wonder you like lions.
ReplyDeleteI have only one, Colleen. All of these around my blog(s) arrived here via the internet, with the help of Google. (By the way, there were 27 cats and one sneaky dog on this blog, plus a couple of cute kittens on my writing blog.) Yep, Roary is just a VERY BIG kitty ... lol.
French may be pretty easy to figure out for day-to-day stuff, but trying to READ it wasn't easy. Occasionally I could tell what was meant, but my study of German, Latin, koine Greek, and a smattering of Hebrew was not a lot of help.