Saturday, December 1, 2018

Bulletin board volunteers

Click to enlarge the photos
Have you ever thought about who does the bulletin boards you see around you?  I live in a ten-story building (attached on the ground floor to an eight-story building, but that's another story).  Each floor has a bulletin board beside the elevators, and volunteers change them periodically.  I change the one on my floor once a month, though occasionally I add or exchange things.  Notices from the office are also put up as needed, telling us about sign-ups and inspections and pest control.  The photo above shows what's on our floor this morning.

Top center is the December "happiness" calendar, which you can read in my earlier post.  At top right is a list of residents on our floor.  The rest of the board is filled with puns; if you groan about puns, you'd better quit reading right now.

At top left is one I left from late November because so many people have told me they love it.  Under a photo of Romaine lettuce are these words:  "The Romaine empire has fallen.  Caesar is dead.  Lettuce pray."  You know, of course, that romaine lettuce was pulled from grocery shelves just before Thanksgiving.  Across the bottom of the bulletin board are three more punny pictures:
  • Over a sleeping dog:  "iTired."  Below the dog:  "There's a nap for that."
  • Subway sign:  "Lettuce meat olive your eggspectations."
  • A family of bullets, Mom wearing an apron with two little bullets behind her:  "What happened to you?"  A flattened bullet with a briefcase:  "I got fired."
I didn't start out with puns, but when I posted "Tearable Puns" a few months ago, people tore them off and shared the humor with others.  They hadn't had such fun since April 2017 when I featured Earth Day and said "Take One" with word puzzles along the bottom of the board.

1 comment:

Helen's Book Blog said...

A well done bulletin board is a good thing.